1. D.J. Buchanan [1983, In-seam seismology: A method for detecting faults in coal seams ,in Developments in Geophysical Exploration Methods, Vol. 5 (ed. Fitch, A.A.), Applied Science Publishers.
2. L. Dresen, and H. Ruter, 1994 ].Seismic Coal Exploration Part B: in-Seam Seismic. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK.
3. R.E. Elliot, 1965, Swilleys in the coal measures of Nottinghamshire interpreted as palaeo-river courses . The Mercian Geologist Vol. 1, Number 2.
4. C.M. Fairbairn, J.M. Holt, and N.J. Padget, 1986, Case histories of the use of surface seismics in UK coal mining industry . In: Jackson, L.J., ed. Coal Geophysics: Soc. Expl. Geophys., 188, 203 (previously published).
5. Horizontal seismic in coal seams: its use by the U.K. coal industry