1. 1M.J. Atkins, J. Beattie, and W.B. Dockrell (1993 )Assessment Issues in Higher Education.University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
2. 2P. Benner (1984 )From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice.Addison-Wesley, California.
3. 3D. Boud, R. Cohen, and D. Walker eds (1993 )Using Experience for Learning.Oxford University Press, Oxford.
4. 4D. Boud, and V. Griffin , eds (1987 )Appreciating Adults Learning: from the Learners' Perspective.Kogan Page, London.
5. 5D. Boud, and D. Walker (1993 ) Barriers to reflection on experience . InUsing Experience for Learning(Boud D., Cohen R. & Walker D. eds) Open University Press, Buckingham, pp. 73-86.