1. Australian Nature Conservancy Agency, and New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service and 1995 ) Application of IUCN Protected Area Management Categories Draft Australian Handbook. Unpublished report prepared for the Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC).
2. The shared use debate: A discussion on the joint use of canal towing paths by walkers, anglers and cyclists
3. R. N. Clark, and G. H. Stankey, 1979 ) The Recreational Opportunity Spectrum: a framework for planning, management recreation. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-98.
4. Trampling Effects on Vegetation of the Trail Corridors of North Rocky Mountain Forests
5. D. Davidson, M. Corbett, and J. Wright, 1994 ) Track and trail upgrading and management Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park and adjoin land. Unpublished report to National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney; cited in Harden (1996).