1. J. Baines (1993 )New Zealand Energy Information Handbook.Taylor Baines Associates, Christchurch.
2. Department of Conservation (2000 )The New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy. Department of Conservation Publishing, Wellington (available at: www.biodiversity.govt.nz).
3. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2003 )Sustainable Development for New Zealand: A Programme of Action.Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Wellington (available at: www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/ sus-dev/sus-dev-programme-of-action-jan03.html).
4. G. O. Eyles (1985 )The New Zealand Land Resource Inventory Erosion Classification. Water and Soil Miscellaneous Publication 85. Water Soil Directorate, Ministry of Works and Development, Wellington.
5. S. Ford (2002 )Economic Analysis of the Case for Surrendering Pasture in Favour of Native Forest Regeneration. The Agribusiness Group, Christchurch.