Vorobeva Gulnara,Vorobev Andrei
One of the solutions to the problem of spatio-temporal data anisotropy is the use of a multilevel system of digital twins based on the corresponding industry models and the updated archive data base. The application of this approach has successfully proved itself in information systems for monitoring the parameters of the geomagnetic field and its variations, providing spatio-temporal interpolation of geomagnetic data with an accuracy of 0.81 nT in magnetically quiet periods. At the same time, the problem of information interaction between the levels of the system of digital twins remained unresolved, which is greatly aggravated by the constantly growing volume of data and their heterogeneous nature. The paper proposes a solution to the indicated problem by means of a formalized mechanism for packaging space-time information, in which the identification of data sources is performed on the basis of a hierarchical binary tokenization system. In addition, the proposed software implementation of such an approach is considered, a distinctive feature of which is the combination of traditional clientserver and innovative serverless architectures to implement a highly loaded reactive web application for working with analyzed data. The main stages of the implementation of information interaction are highlighted and programmatically formalized - from obtaining initial information from its sources to verifying data, analyzing them, processing and forming the output information flow of the system. The results of the computational experiments carried out on the example of the problem of monitoring the parameters of the Earth's magnetic field and its variations confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed solutions, expressed both in increasing the reactivity of web-based applications and in increasing the computational speed of formation and filling of information storages that aggregate information from distributed heterogeneous sources.
Artificial Intelligence,Applied Mathematics,Computational Theory and Mathematics,Computational Mathematics,Computer Networks and Communications,Information Systems
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