Dvoynikova Anastasia,Markitantov Maxim,Ryumina Elena,Uzdiaev Mikhail,Velichko Alena,Ryumin Dmitry,Lyakso Elena,Karpov Alexey
The article presents an analytical review of research in the affective computing field. This research direction is a component of artificial intelligence, and it studies methods, algorithms and systems for analyzing human affective states during interactions with other people, computer systems or robots. In the field of data mining, the definition of affect means the manifestation of psychological reactions to an exciting event, which can occur both in the short and long term, and also have different intensity. The affects in this field are divided into 4 types: affective emotions, basic emotions, sentiment and affective disorders. The manifestation of affective states is reflected in verbal data and non-verbal characteristics of behavior: acoustic and linguistic characteristics of speech, facial expressions, gestures and postures of a person. The review provides a comparative analysis of the existing infoware for automatic recognition of a person’s affective states on the example of emotions, sentiment, aggression and depression. The few Russian-language, affective databases are still significantly inferior in volume and quality compared to electronic resources in other world languages. Thus, there is a need to consider a wide range of additional approaches, methods and algorithms used in a limited amount of training and testing data, and set the task of developing new approaches to data augmentation, transferring model learning and adapting foreign-language resources. The article describes the methods of analyzing unimodal visual, acoustic and linguistic information, as well as multimodal approaches for the affective states recognition. A multimodal approach to the automatic affective states analysis makes it possible to increase the accuracy of recognition of the phenomena compared to single-modal solutions. The review notes the trend of modern research that neural network methods are gradually replacing classical deterministic methods through better quality of state recognition and fast processing of large amount of data. The article discusses the methods for affective states analysis. The advantage of multitasking hierarchical approaches is the ability to extract new types of knowledge, including the influence, correlation and interaction of several affective states on each other, which potentially leads to improved recognition quality. The potential requirements for the developed systems for affective states analysis and the main directions of further research are given.
Artificial Intelligence,Applied Mathematics,Computational Theory and Mathematics,Computational Mathematics,Computer Networks and Communications,Information Systems
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