Структура и динамика решетки двухслойных гетероструктур титаната бария-стронция и слоистого титаната висмута разной толщины на подложке окcида магния


Анохин А.С.1,Головко Ю.И.1,Мухортов В.М.1,Стрюков Д.В.1


1. Южный научный центр РАН, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия


The results of the structure and lattice dynamics study of Bi4Ti3O12 films with a thickness varying from 4 to 430 nm on a (001) MgO substrate with a preliminarily deposited Ba0.4Sr0.6TiO3 (4 nm) sublayer are presented. Two-layer structures were fabricated by high-frequency sputtering of ceramic targets of the appropriate composition. X-ray diffraction studies at room temperature showed that in such heterostructures the c axis of the Bi4Ti3O12 film is perpendicular to the substrate plane, and the [100] axis makes an angle of ± 45◦ with the [100] MgO axis. Up to ≈ 40 nm of Bi4Ti3O12 film thickness, the unit cell have a compression strain in the normal to the substrate plane direction and tensile strain in the interface plane, for large thicknesses the sign of the deformation changes. The frequency shifts of phonon modes in the Bi4Ti3O12 film and the appearance of additional peaks in the Raman spectra were observed. It is indicating on increasement of monoclinic distortion of the films crystal structure compared to the bulk crystal.


Ioffe Institute Russian Academy of Sciences


Surfaces and Interfaces

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