Revelo Cuarán Edwin Alexander,Nieves Pimiento Nayive,Toledo Bueno Carlos Augusto
Objective: To morphologically analyze, by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), agglomerated boards made from rice husk and Hidropul 400, as well as boards made from wood fibers and glue.
Methodology: For each 7,3 x 3,6 x 1,5 cm test piece, two samples were taken from the external and internal sections of each one of the boards to be analyzed. Thin-layer graphite coatings were made to each one of them, and, by means of SEM, micrographic shots were obtained in the range from 50x to 2000x.
Results: It was evidenced that the panel made from rice husk had damage to its internal structure due to its porosity, the waxy layers of its coating, the high presence of silica, and the presence of water inside the adhesive, showing irregularities in adhesion between particles and low mechanical properties.
Conclusions: Although the studied rice husk panel did not achieve the adequate structural properties, it has great applications for interior design. Additionally, due to its porous structure, its potential as a sound-absorbing material is considered. In the same way, the material can be improved by pre-treating the husk or combining it with other, more woody plant fibers such as wood waste, bamboo, coconut fiber, among others.
Metodología: Se tomaron dos muestras por probeta de 7.3 x 3.6 x 1.5 cm en las secciones externas e internas por cada uno de los paneles a analizar, se realizaron recubrimientos de capa fina de grafito a cada una de ellas; por medio del microscopio electrónico de barrido se realizaron tomas micrográficas en rangos de 50x a 2000x.
Resultados: Se evidencio que el panel fabricado con cascarilla de arroz, presentaba afectaciones en su estructura interna, debido a la porosidad, a las capas cerosas de su recubrimiento, a la alta presencia de sílice y la presencia de agua dentro del adhesivo, mostrando irregularidades en adherencia entre partículas y bajas propiedades mecánicas.
Conclusiones: Aunque el panel a base de cascarilla de arroz estudiado no obtuvo las propiedades adecuadas estructurales, tiene grandes aplicaciones para el diseño de interiores, además por estructura porosa se consideran su potencial como material absorbente del sonido. De igual forma se puede mejorar el material al hacer un pretratamiento de la cascarilla o combinar con diferentes fibras vegetales más leñosas como desperdicios de madera, bambú, fibra de coco entre otros.
Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas
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