Pengembangan Komik Manga Biologi Berbasis Android Untuk Peserta Didik Kelas XI Ditingkat SMA/MA


Haka Nukhbatul Bidayati


<p>In learning biology facilities and infrastructure supporting learning and technological developments such as android owned by learners have not been used as a medium of learning. The alternative is to develop android-based digital manga comic learning media to facilitate the understanding of biological materials. This study aims to: 1.) Knowing how to develop android-based digital manga comic learning media on hormonal system material for class XI in MAN 2 Bandar Lampung that facilitate biology learning materials by learners. 2.) To determine the feasibility of developing comic-based digital manga media based on the hormonal system material for students of class XI based on the assessment of material experts, linguists, media experts, biology teachers, and learners. This research represents (R &amp; D) Research and Development which is defined by the Borg and Gall procedure. Stages used are only up to the seventh stage of the ten stages. This research was conducted at MAN 2 BandarLampung on students of class XI MIA 1. Assessment of material experts is very decent percentage 83.75%, the assessment of linguists is very decent berpententase 93.75%, assessment of media experts is very decent percentage 85.8%. While the repson teachers berpersentase 86.25%, and the response class XI students berpersentase 82.4% in MAN 2 Bandarlampung. Based on the assessment of the quality of learning media of digital manga comic on hormonal system material expressed in criteria is very suitable to be used as a medium of learning.</p>


State Islamic College of Kudus

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1. Android-Based E-Comic: An Adaptive Solution to Grow Students’ Life Skills in Enforcing Post Covid-19 Health Protocol;Proceedings of the Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH 2022);2023







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