Investigation of electrical properties of photosensitive structures of reduced dimension based on silicon coated with rare earth fluorides


Poluektova Natalia А.,Shishkina Daria А.,Bazanov Alexander N.,Perebalin Roman A.,Shishkin Ivan A.,Latukhina Natalya V.,Rogozhina Galina A.


In this paper, we consider the effect of porous silicon and dysprosium fluoride films on the current-voltage characteristics of low-dimensional photosensitive structures based on silicon. The processes of creating and studying the resulting photosensitive structures are described. The current-voltage characteristics of the structures before and after coating are given. The study found a positive effect of porous silicon and dysprosium fluoride coating on the current-voltage characteristics of structures both with and without porous silicon. Values of the optimal thickness of the dysprosium fluoride coating for porous photosensitive structures are obtained. It is shown that dysprosium fluoride coatings do not always have a positive effect on such parameters of photosensitive structures as short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage, since this is due to the non-uniformity of film deposition on the surface of the structure.


Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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