Nagesh ,Kulkarni MS,Basavarajappa MP,Saha S
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is an important fruit crop cultivated all over the world. Anthracnose of grapes is one of the contributing factors to low productivity. Therefore, the eco-friendly and environmentally safe management of anthracnose disease with the use of bioagents is necessary. Several bacterial bioagents evaluated under in vitro conditions against the mycelial growth of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides revealed that bacterial bioagents viz., UHSBS-1 showed maximum inhibition of mycelial growth followed by UHSBS-9 and UHSBS-21 isolates of Bacillus subtilis. Least inhibition was observed by UHSPF-2 isolate of Pseudomonas fluorescens under laboratory dual culture technique.
Society for Advancement of Viticulture and Enology