Akbar M. Agung,Juniarti Neti,Yamin Ahmad
Background : Currently, Indonesia is facing growth and development problems that can lead to health vulnerability and risk of health problems in society. The role of community health nursing is the key to reducing health disparities that occur in society. Strengthening community health nurse strategies must be able to adapt to various settings so that the goals of community nursing care can be achieved optimally.
Purpose : The purpose of this meta-synthesis is to comprehensively understand and explore scientific evidence related to community health nursing strategies.
Design/ methodology/ approach : Article review was conducted through several electronic databases including Science Direct, Ebsco Host, ProQuest, PubMed, and Google Scholar through the Indonesian National Library account. The keywords used are strategy, community health nursing OR public health nursing, and qualitative. Inclusion criteria include peer-reviewed articles, published in (2000-2020), and qualitative studies. The exclusion criteria are articles that are not in English, not in full text, and do not have a good article writing structure.
Findings : This literature search found 7 articles analyzed. The findings of this study indicate that if self nurse ablity, quality nursing care, building partnership, health promotion strategy, and facing challenges have been identified through qualitative studies, they can be used as a strategy in the implementation of community health nursing.
Research Limitations : This study only discusses in quantity about community health nursing strategies. This requires further research on the quality of community nursing care to evaluate the strategies that have been implemented.
Originality/ Value : The meta-synthesis review provides an interpretation of qualitative data to capture the essence of the phenomenon of interest regarding community health nursing strategies
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