Evaluation the efficacy of three brands of Ceftriaxone against various strains of bacteria by measuring zone of inhibition


Egfair Ibrahim,Alati Ryad M. O.,Bakoosh Abdullah M. O.,Alfalos AbuAjeela M.,Ruaua Mahmoud A. L.,Naass Ashraf A.,Abusittah Waleed R. A.,Abushhewa Mahmud E. L.


Ceftriaxone (Rocephin)is wide spectrum cephalosporin that has been used for decades for combating infections caused by broad array of pathogens. In this study, the antibiotic ceftriaxone from three different brands was tested for its effectiveness against strains of bacteria like Streptococcus pyrogens, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumonia. The effectiveness of ceftriaxone was estimated by measuring zone of inhibition and compared with standard disc (BD BBL Sensi-Disc 2004/09). The diameters of the inhibitory zones for all brands were ranged from 20 to 33mm±0.5. The present study showed that there is no significant variation amongst the different brands of ceftriaxone in term of their antibacterial effectiveness.


Medical Research Center

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