Comparison Analysis of Bore Pile Foundations and Piles to Time and Cost of Construction in Tanjung Perak Sea Keeping Base and Class II Beach Construction Project


Varian Alifiandi,Mawariza Putri Suci


In this project using a pile foundation, but during the foundation work there were several obstacles, namely hydraulic tools that were still not ready to use, hydraulic tool repairs, and piles that were one week late, causing delays in foundation work.Therefore workers cannot work optimally while waiting for the tools to arrive. In addition to delays, there are also cost overruns where workers are still being paid for work that is not optimal, so it is necessary to compare these foundations with other foundations in order to find differences in foundations that are more efficient and minimize the problems that have occurred. From the results of data processing, it can be seen that the duration of time required for the preparatory work to the 30x30cm pile foundation with a depth of 16m for 65 points on the class 2 marine and beach guard base of Tanjung Perak is 56 days and requires a fee of IDR 655,305,366.00. For the duration of the preparatory work up to the 30cm bore pile foundation with a depth of 16m as many as 65 points on the class 2 marine and beach guard base Tanjung Perak is 59 days and requires a fee of IDR 520,779,603.00. Then the difference in time between the pile foundation and the bore pile foundation is 12 days. The pile foundation can save as much as 21.4% or 12 days of time from the bore pile foundation.


Universitas Islam Lamongan


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference20 articles.







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