Arabic Chicken from Marriage with Artificial Insemination (IB) Using a Manual Hatching Machine On Fertility And Hatchability


Andaruisworo Sapta,Nur Solikin,Erna Yuniati,Ardina Tanjungsari,Anifiatiningrum Anifiatiningrum


Arab Chicken Marriage with Artificial Insemination (IB) Using Manual Incubator on Fertility and Hatchability. This study aims to determine the level of fertility and hatchability of Arabic chicken mating with artificial insemination in a manual incubator. This research was carried out at Mr. Saiful Karang Rejo's farm, Tulung Agung, from September 15 to October 15, 2022. The number of eggs used were 72 eggs from Arab chicken mating with a male to female ratio of 50: 500. The chickens are housed individually, the feed given is a mixture of corn, bran, and concentrate. IB is carried out 3 times a week, semen collection is carried out by massage (sequence) and accommodated in a glass then IB is carried out on Arab females. Using Chi Square analysis, then followed by a contingency test (a condition filled with uncertainty between fertile or not, the effect of fertility expectations) , Correlation (the relationship between two variables that are quantitative) and Regression (influence between 2 or more variables). The parameters observed included fertility and egg hatchability. From the results of the study, the following conclusions were obtained: the highest percentage of fertility was obtained in stages 1 and 2 with a value of 73.61%, while the lowest percentage was at stage 3 with a value of 66.66%. Meanwhile, the highest hatchability percentage was at stage 1 with a value of 83.01%, and the lowest percentage was at stage 3 with a value of 79.16%. Cleanliness in the chicken semen reservoir and egg selection, such as the cleanliness of egg shells, eggs that are too small or too large need to be considered. The temperature and humidity of the incubator must be constant to avoid embryo death and hatching failure.


Universitas Islam Lamongan

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