The Effect of Low Impact Development Implementing on Flood Discharge of Outflow Drainage in the Lakarsantri District Surabaya City


Rohman Habibur,Lasminto Umboro,Ratri Savitri Yang


The drainage system in Lakarsantri District, Surabaya, applies a conventional drainage system which only focuses on water quantity. This is shown by flood events that occur in the area and downstream of the channel. A new paradigm in the management of drainage systems is a low impact development concept that focuses on conservation efforts and the use of natural features to carry out small-scale engineering to control surface runoff of rainwater in watersheds. This research aims to find a good model that can be applied with significant influence. This research was carried out by modeling using the SWMM application with 3 scenarios, scenario 1 Porous Pavement LID, scenario 2 Vegetative Swale LID, scenario 3 50% Porous Pavement + 50% Vegetative Swale LID. The results of the modeling show that scenario 1 has the effect of reducing surface runoff discharge by 0,385 ha-m, which in existing conditions has a surface runoff of 6,574 ha-m and then reducing to 6,189 ha-m with an installation percentage of 2,81% of the total area by ​​the research location.


Universitas Islam Lamongan







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