Akimova E. V., ,Anoikin A. A.,Vasiliev S. K.,Galukhin L. L.,Drozdov N. I.,Dudko A. A.,Zolnikov I. D.,Klementiev A. M.,Lysenko D. N.,Razgildeeva I. I.,Slavinsky V. S.,Stasyuk I. V.,Tomilova E. A.,Kharevich V. M.,Tsybankov A. A., , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Results of the rescue excavations of the multilayered Late Paleolithic site of Afontova Gora II in 2014 are described. Th e monograph presents the data derived in the course of the interdisciplinary studies including detailed analyses of the stratigraphy and geomorphology of the study areas on the slopes of Afontova Gora. Th e results of fi eld and laboratory studies of archaeological and paleontological collections and morphological and genetic analyses of paleoanthropological materials are provided. Based on the technical-typological analysis of stone and bone implements, the variability of tradition within the Afontova archaeological culture is shown. Th e analysis of the spatial distribution of artifacts reveals the features of activity zones in the season camps of mobile groups of the ancient population. Th e time of accumulation of the culture-bearing deposits has been established through a set of new 14C and AMS dates. The publication is addressed to archaeologists, paleontologists, anthropologists, humanity students and specialists in preservation of the archaeological heritage.
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