1. Natural Terphenyls: Developments since 1877
2. aCammidge, A. N.; Bushby, R. J.In Handbook of Liquid Crystals;Demus, D.; Goodby, J.; Gray, G. W.; Spiess, H.W.; Vill, V., Eds.Wiley-VCH:New York, 1998; Vol.2B, p693.
3. bGeerts, Y.; Klarner, G.; Müllen, K.In Electronic Materials: The Oligomer Approach;Müllen, K.; Wegner, G., Eds.Wiley-VCH:New York, 1998; p1.
4. Recent developments in the chemistry of triphenylene-based discotic liquid crystals
5. A Mechanically Interlocked Bundle