1. Sizing Wet-Gas Pipelines and Slug Catchers With Steady-State Multiphase Flow Simulations
2. Darrigol, O.Worlds of Flow: A History of Hydrodynamics from the Bernoullis to Prandtl;Oxford University Press:New York, 2005; 376pp (ISBN0-19-856843-6).
3. State of the Art in Multiphase Flow
4. Darcy, H.Recherches Experimentales Relatives au Mouvement de L’Eau dans les Tuyaux(Engl. Transl. “Experimental Research Relating to the Movement of Water in Pipes”), Vol.2;Mallet–Bachelier:Paris, 1857; 268pp.
5. Weisbach, J.Lehrbuch der Ingenieur- und Maschinen-Mechanik, Vol. 1. Theoretische Mechanik(Engl. Transl. “Textbook on Engineering Mechanics and Mechanics of Machines, Vol. 1. Theoretical Mechanics”);Vieweg und Sohn:Braunschwieg, Germany, 1845; 535pp.