1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, Michigan 49931, United States
2. Resource Recycling Systems, 416 Longshore Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105, United States
3. Center for Industrial Ecology, School of the Environment, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, United States
4. Biological and Chemical Science and Engineering Department, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415, United States
5. Operations Research and Analysis, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415, United States
6. Chemstations Inc., 11000 Richmond Avenue Suite 580, Houston, Texas 77042, United States
7. Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend drive, Houghton, Michigan 49931, United States