1. Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco and NIS - Centre for Nanostructured Interfaces and Surfaces, University of Turin, Via Giuria 9, 10125 Turin, Italy
2. Dipartimento di Chimica, University of Turin, Via P. Giuria 7, 10125 Turin, Italy
3. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, P.O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, United States
4. Université de Montpellier, Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM), UMR-5247 CNRS-UM-ENSCM, Place E. Bataillon, Campus Triolet cc1703, 34095 Cedex 05 Montpellier, France
5. Institut Charles Gerhardt de Montpellier (ICGM), UMR-5253 CNRS-UM-ENSCM, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie
de Montpellier, 8 Rue de l’Ecole Normale, 34296 Cedex 05 Montpellier, France
6. Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Šlechtitelů 27, 783 71 Olomouc, Czech Republic