1. White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – A European Approach
to Excellence and Trust; European Commission, 2020. https://commission.europa.eu/document/download/d2ec4039-c5be-423a-81ef-b9e44e79825b_en?filename=commission-white-paper-artificial-intelligence-feb2020_en.pdf (accessed 2024–06–08).
2. AI and education: guidance for policy-makers
3. OECD Digital Education Outlook 2021
4. Baker, T.; Smith, L.; Anissa, N. Educ-AI-Tion Rebooted? Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence in Schools and Colleges; Nesta: London, 2019. https://media.nesta.org.uk/documents/Future_of_AI_and_education_v5_WEB.pdf (accessed 2024–06–08).
5. Generative AI in Education and Research: Opportunities, Concerns, and Solutions