1. This work was presented in part at the CCLI/TUES Principal Investigators Conference, January 23–25, 2013, in Washington DC and the 242nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Indianapolis, IN, September 8–12, 2013, (Poster and Oral CHED 343).
2. Cross-Course Collaboration in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum: Primary Kinetic Isotope Effect in the Hypochlorite Oxidation of 1-Phenylethanol in the Physical Chemistry Laboratory
3. aLoudon, G. M.; Parise, J.Organic Chemistry,6th ed.Roberts and Co.:Greenwood Village, CO, 2016; pp408–409,643–645.
4. bMorrison, R. T.; Boyd, R. N.Organic Chemistry,3rd ed.Allyn and Bacon, Inc.:Boston, MA, 1973; pp107–108,353,358,437–439.