1. Ellis, D. A.; Moody, C. A.; Mabury, S. A.InHandbook of Environmental Chemistry: Part N, Organofluorines;Nielson, A., Ed. Springer-Verlag:Heidelberg, Germany, 2002; p103.
2. Scott, B. F.; Spencer, C.; Moody, C. A.; Mabury, S. A.; MacTavish, D.; Muir, D. C. G.Poster presented at the 13th Annual SETAC Europe Meeting,Hamburg, Germany, 2003.
3. Bioconcentration and tissue distribution of perfluorinated acids in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
4. Perfluoroalkyl Contaminants in a Food Web from Lake Ontario
5. Identification of Long-Chain Perfluorinated Acids in Biota from the Canadian Arctic