1. CNRS, University of Strasbourg, UMR7242, ESBS, Bld Sébastien Brant, F-67412 Illkirch, Strasbourg 67070, France
2. Department of Chemical Biology, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Inhoffenstrasse 7, Braunschweig 38124, Germany
3. Plateforme Proteomique Strasbourg-Esplanade, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, CNRS, FR1589, 15 rue Descartes, Strasbourg Cedex F-67084, France
4. German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), Site Hannover-Braunschweig, Braunschweig 38124, Germany
5. Center of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ), Leibniz Universität, Hannover 30159, Germany