1. Department
of Functional Protein Systems and Biotechnology, Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Polymer Research (IAP), Geiselbergstraße 69, 14476, Potsdam-Golm, Germany
2. Department
of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, United States
3. Department
of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry Research
Group, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281 S4-bis, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
4. Department
of Pharmaceutics, Ghent University, Ottergemsesteenweg 460, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
5. Institut
of Bioorganic Chemistry, Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Stetternicher Forst, D-52426 Jülich, Germany
6. Polymer
Materials and Polymer Technologies, University of Potsdam, 14476, Potsdam-Golm, Germany
7. Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Science Park Potsdam-Golm, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam, Germany
8. IBG-1: Biotechnology, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany