1. Taken in part from the Ph.D. thesis of Kai Deng: Deng, K. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 2004.
2. (a) Reviews: Bailey, W. F.; Ovaska, T. V. InAdvancesinDetailedReactionMechanisms; Coxon, J. M., Ed.; JAI Press: Greenwich, CT; 1994; Vol. 3, pp 251−273. Mealy, M. J.; Bailey, W. F.J.Organomet.Chem.2002,646, 59−67. Clayden, J.Organolithiums:SelectivityforSynthesis; Pergamon Press: New York, 2002; pp 293−335. Marek, I.; Chinkov, N.; Banon-Tenne, D. InMetal-CatalyzedCross-CouplingReactions, 2n ed.; de Meijere, A., Diederich, F., Eds.; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, Germany, 2004; Vol. 1, pp 395−478. Recent papers: (b) Bailey, W. F.; Jiang, X. L.Tetrahedron2005,61, 3183−3194.
3. Intramolecular carbolithiation reactions for the preparation of 3-alkenylpyrrolidines
4. Stereoselectivity of cyclization of substituted 5-hexen-1-yllithiums: regiospecific and highly stereoselective insertion of an unactivated alkene into a carbon-lithium bond