1. Extraction of acid and iron values from sulphate waste pickle liquor of a steel industry by solvent extraction route
2. The removal of nickel from copper electrorefining bleed-off electrolyte
3. Shibata, J.; Hashiuchi, T.; Kato, T.Tamano refinery’s new processes for removing impurities from electrolyte. InThe Electrorefining and Winning of Copper; Proceeings of the 116th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Feb 24−26;Hoffman, J. E.; Bautista, R. G.; Ettel, V. A.; Kudryk, V.; Wesel, R. J., Eds.AIME:Pennsylvania, 1987; p99.
4. Toyabe, K.; Segawa, C.; Sato, H.Impurity control of electrolyte at Sumitomo Nihama Copper refinery. InThe Electrorefining and Winning of Copper; Proceeings of the 116th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Feb 24−26;Hoffman, J. E.; Bautista, R. G.; Ettel, V. A.; Kudryk, V.; Wesel, R. J., Eds.AIME:Pennsylvania, 1987; p117.