1. Recent reviews on colloidal arrays: (a) Gast, A. P.; Russel, W. B.Phys. Today1998(Dec), 24. (b) Grier, D. G., Ed.From Dynamics to Devices: DirectedSelf-Assembly of Colloidal Materials, a special issue inMRS Bull.1998,23, 21. (c) Xia, Y.; Gates, B.; Yin, Y.; Lu, Y.Adv. Mater.2000,12, 693. (d) Dinsmore, A. D.; Crocker, J. C.; Yodh, A. G.Curr. Opin. ColloidInterfaceSci.1998,3, 5. (e) Velev, O. D.; Lenhoff, A. M.Curr. Opin. ColloidInterfaceSci.2000,5, 56.
2. Diffraction of light by opals
3. Nano-Optics in the Biological World: Beetles, Butterflies, Birds, and Moths
4. Light and color on the wing: structural colors in butterflies and moths