1. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Institute of Resource Ecology, P.O. Box 10119, 01314 Dresden, Germany
2. Rossendorf Beamline (BM20-CRG), European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, BP 220, 38043 Grenoble, France
3. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Postfach 2340, 76125 Karlsruhe, Germany
4. CEA, Nuclear Energy Division, Research Department on Mining and Fuel Recycling Processes, SFMA, F-30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze, France
5. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (KIT-INE), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
6. Géomatériaux, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris-CNRS, USPC 1 rue Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France