1. Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via C. Golgi 19, I-20133 Milano, Italy
2. ESRF−The European Synchrotron, 71, Avenue des Martyrs, 38043, Grenoble, France
3. Institute of Condensed
Matter Chemistry and Technologies for Energy, Unit of Lecco, National Research Council, CNR ICMATE, Via G. Previati 1/E, 23900 Lecco, Italy
4. ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Carretera BP 1413, Km. 3.3, E-08290 Cerdanyola, Barcelona, Spain
5. Physics
and Materials Science Research Unit, University of Luxembourg, 162a avenue
de la Faencerie, L-1511 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
6. Materials Research
and Technology Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, 41 rue du Brill, L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
7. Swiss Norwegian beamlines, SNBL-ESRF, 71, Avenue des Martyrs, Grenoble, France
8. ISTM-CNR and INSTM Unit, Via C. Golgi 19, I-20133 Milano, Italy