Instrumentation for Hydrogenative Parahydrogen-Based Hyperpolarization Techniques


Schmidt Andreas B.12ORCID,Bowers C. Russell34,Buckenmaier Kai5,Chekmenev Eduard Y.67ORCID,de Maissin Henri12,Eills James89ORCID,Ellermann Frowin10ORCID,Glöggler Stefan1112,Gordon Jeremy W.13,Knecht Stephan14,Koptyug Igor V.15ORCID,Kuhn Jule10,Pravdivtsev Andrey N.10,Reineri Francesca16,Theis Thomas17ORCID,Them Kolja10ORCID,Hövener Jan-Bernd10ORCID


1. Department of Radiology−Medical Physics, Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Killianstraße 5a, Freiburg 79106, Germany

2. German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), partner site Freiburg and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, Heidelberg 69120, Germany

3. Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, 2001 Museum Road, Gainesville, Florida 32611, United States

4. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32310, United States

5. High-Field Magnetic Resonance Center, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max-Planck-Ring 11, 72076 Tübingen, Germany

6. Intergrative Biosciences (Ibio), Department of Chemistry, Karmanos Cancer Institute (KCI), Wayne State University, 5101 Cass Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48202, United States

7. Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Leninskiy Prospect, 14, 119991 Moscow, Russia

8. Institute for Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, D-55090 Mainz, Germany

9. GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Helmholtz-Institut Mainz, 55128 Mainz, Germany

10. Section Biomedical Imaging, Molecular Imaging North Competence Center (MOIN CC), Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Medical Center Kiel, Kiel University, Am Botanischen Garten 14, 24118 Kiel, Germany

11. NMR Signal Enhancement Group Max Planck Institutefor Biophysical Chemistry Am Fassberg 11, 37077 Göttingen, Germany

12. Center for Biostructural Imaging of Neurodegeneration of UMG, Von-Siebold-Straße 3A, 37075 Göttingen, Germany

13. Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco, 185 Berry Street, San Francisco, California 94158, United States

14. NVision Imaging Technologies GmbH, 89081 Ulm, Germany

15. International Tomography Center, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), 3A Institutskaya St., Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

16. Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Torino, Via Nizza 52, 10124 Torino, Italy

17. Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Biomedical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695, United States


National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Bundesministerium f??r Bildung und Forschung

Deutschen Konsortium f??r Translationale Krebsforschung

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

National Institutes of Health

Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Kiel University and the Faculty of Medicine

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Zukunftsprogramm Wirtschaft of Schleswig-Holstein

Research Commission of the University Medical Center Freiburg


American Chemical Society (ACS)


Analytical Chemistry







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