1. Instruction manual No. M-DE-100090, in Sulfonamides (SAs)
ELISA kit, Cat. DE-100090; Alpha Diagnostic International
Inc.; San Antonio, Texas, USA. Available via the Internet at: https://www.atzlabs.com/pdf/Sulfonamides.pdf (accessed Feb. 24, 2021).
2. Instruction manual, in Sulfonamide residues (three) ELISA
quantitation kit, Cat. 40-784-140023; GenWay Biotech,
Inc.; San Diego, CA, USA. Available via the Internet at: https://www.genwaybio.com/media/custom/upload/File-1313531049.pdf (accessed Feb. 24, 2021).
3. Instruction manual, in Sulfonamides residues ELISA kit,
Cat. OKAO00112; Aviva Systems Biology Corp.; San Diego, CA, USA. Available via
the Internet at: https://www.avivasysbio.com/media/pdf/products/OKAO00112.pdf (accessed Feb. 24, 2021).
4. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and colloidal gold immunoassay for sulphamethazine residues in edible animal foods: investigation of the effects of the analytical conditions and the sample matrix on assay performance
5. Forcing immunoassay for sulfonamides to higher sensitivity and broader detection spectrum by site heterologous hapten inducing affinity improvement