1. Grand Review Research. Biosensors Market Analysis by Application(Medical Applications, Food Toxicity Detection, Industrial ProcessControl, Agriculture, Environment) by Technology (Thermal Biosensors,Electrochemical Biosensors, Piezoelectric Biosensors, Optical Biosensors)by End-Use (Home Healthcare Diagnostics, Point Of Care Testing, FoodIndustry, Research Laboratories) and Segment Forecasts to 2020, (2015.www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/global-biosensors-market(accessed 12, 2015).
2. Biosensors: sense and sensibility
3. Sensitive optical biosensors for unlabeled targets: A review
4. Color Me Sensitive: Amplification and Discrimination in Photonic Silicon Nanostructures
5. Porous silicon biosensors on the advance