1. Department of Biosystems and Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
2. Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University, Iksan 54538, Republic of Korea
3. Natural Product Informatics Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Gangneung Institute, Gangneung 25451, Republic of Korea
4. Herbal Medicine Resources Research Center, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Naju 58245, Republic of Korea
5. State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical Biology, College of Pharmacy, and Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Drug Research, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, People’s Republic of China
6. Korean Agricultural Culture Collection, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Wanju 55365, Republic of Korea