1. Department of Chemistry, Chemical Synthesis and Analysis Group, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway
2. Department of Marine Sciences, Tjärnö Marine Laboratory, University of Gothenburg, SE-452 96 Strömstad, Sweden
3. Univ. Bretagne-Sud, EA 3884, LBCM, IUEM, F-56100 Lorient, France
4. Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Uppsala Antibiotic Centre, Biomedical Centre, Uppsala University, 75123 Uppsala, Sweden
5. Univ. Brest, Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Environnement MARin (LEMAR), CNRS, IRD, IFREMER, Brest 29285, France
6. Department of Chemistry, Biomaterial & Textile, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Box 857, 501 15 Borås, Sweden