1. Gahndi, M. V.; Thompson, B. S.SmartMaterialsandStructures; Chapman & Hall: Suffolk, 1992; p 36.
2. Araujo, R. G. ; Borrelli, N. F. InOpticalPropertiesofGlasses; Uhlmann, R., Kreidl, N. J., Eds.; American Ceramic Society: Westerville, OH, 1991; p 125.
3. Phase transition in polymer gels induced by visible light
4. Properties and applications of photoresponsive polymers
5. Spectrophotometer test tubes (Milton Roy No. 33-17-80, optical path = 1 cm) flattened at the bottom and with glass tubes (8 cm long, 1 cm diameter) fused on their tops were used for measurements of optical density because optical cells were cracked by the gels after several cycles. The optical tubes were closed by attaching to them, via #9 Chem threads, capillaries with a #7 Ace electrode adapter/Teflon septum/nylon bushing combination.