1. Dale, G.; Chemerisov, S.; Vandegrift, G.; Tkac, P.; Woloshun, K.; Bach, H.; Heath, C.; Kelsey, C.; Bowers, D.; Gelis, A. V.; Jonah, C.; McCrady, R.; Olivas, E.; Hurtle, K.; Pitcher, E.; Romero, F.; Tuzel, W.; Giola, J.; Tomei, T.; Wheat, R.; DeCroix, M.; Warren, D.; Dalmas, D.; Romero, B.; Harvey, J. T. Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) Accelerator production of 99Mo; Report LA-UR-11-2010; Los Alamos National Laboratory: Los Alamos, NM, 2010.
2. Measured bremsstrahlung photonuclear production of 99Mo (99mTc) with 34 MeV to 1.7 GeV electrons
3. Large scale production of fission 99Mo by using fuel elements of a research reactor as starting material
4. Measurements of the thermal neutron cross-sections and resonance integrals for 186W (n,γ) 187W and 98Mo (n,γ) 99Mo reactions