1. For a detailed list of uses of these heterocycles in a multitude of applications, see:
2. A New Facile Approach to the Synthesis of 3-Methylthio-Substituted Furans, Pyrroles, Thiophenes, and Related Derivatives
3. aTrofimov, N. A.; Nedolya, N. A.InComprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III;Katritzky, A. R.; Ramsden, C. A.; Scriven, E. F. V.; Taylor, R. J. K., Eds.Elsevier Ltd.:Oxford, 2008; Vol.3, pp45−268.For furans, see:
4. bWong, H. N. C.; Yeung, K.S.; Yang, Z.InComprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III;Katritzky, A. R.; Ramsden, C. A.; Scriven, E. F. V.; Taylor, R. J. K., Eds.Elsevier Ltd.:Oxford, 2008; Vol.3, pp407−496.For thiophenes, see:
5. cRajappa, S.; Deshmunkh, A. R.InComprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III;Katritzky, A. R.; Ramsden, C. A.; Scriven, E. F. V.; Taylor, R. J. K., Eds.Elsevier Ltd.:Oxford, 2008; Vol.3, pp741−841.