1. Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry of CNR, Padua
Unit, 35131 Padova, Italy
2. Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy
3. Diamond Light Source Ltd., Harwell Science and
Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
4. Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy
5. Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy
6. Proteomics Center, University of Padova and Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova, 35129 Padova, Italy
7. Alchilife Srl, R&D, Viale Austria 14, 35020 Ponte San Nicolò (PD), Italy