1. (a) Y. Marcus and A. S. Kertes, "Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction of Metal Complexes", Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1969, Chapter 9, pp650-716;
2. (b) C. F. Coleman and J. W. Roddy in "Solvent Extraction Reviews", Vol.Y. Marcus, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1971, pp 63-88;
3. (c) W. E. Stewart and T. H. Siddall, III, in"Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction", Vol. 3, J. A. Marinsky and Y. Marcus, Eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1973, Chapter 3.
4. Octahedral and tetrahedral solvates of the aluminum cation. Study of the exchange of free and bound organophosphorus ligands by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy