1. Sources of greenhouse gas emissions from the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agencywebsite;http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/sources/electricity.html(accessed May 8, 2015).
2. Overview of Clean Power Plan;http://www2.epa.gov/cleanpowerplan/fact-sheet-overview-clean-power-plan(accessed August 8, 2015).
3. EPA Fact Sheet; http://www.epa.gov/airquality/cpp/fs-cps-overview.pdf. (accessed August 8, 2015)
4. Biomass Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry, Report ORNL/TM-2011/224;Oak Ridge National Laboratory:Oak Ridge, TN, 2011.
5. Comparative Analysis of Three Proposed Federal Renewable Electricity Standards, Report NREL/TP-6A2–45877.National Renewable Energy Laboratory:Golden, CO, 2009.