1. Bowen, D.Eufaula Lake 5-Year Management Plan;Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation:Oklahoma City, OK, 2008; p38.
2. Stephenson, J. B.Hazardous Waste: Environmental Protection Agency’s Cleanup of the Eagle-Picher Henryetta, Oklahoma, Site; GAO-03-1051R;U.S. General Accounting Office:Washington, D.C., 2003.
3. Biomarkers of metals exposure in fish from lead-zinc mining areas of Southeastern Missouri, USA
4. Cp Kelco USA, Inc., Okmulgee, Oklahoma. http://projects.nytimes.com/toxic-waters/polluters/facility/1024(accessed Sep 15, 2014) .
5. Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality: Spill/Unusual Discharge/Fish Kill Program.http://www.deq.state.ok.us/WQDnew/305b_303d/2000_305b/2000_305b_Appendices.pdf(accessed Sep 15, 2014) .