1. Ecosystem management as a wicked problem
2. Pörtner, H.O.; Scholes, R. J.; Agard, J.; Archer, E.; Bai, X.; Barnes, D.; Burrows, M.; Chan, L.; Cheung, W. L.; Diamond, S.; Donatti, C.; Duarte, C.; Eisenhauer, N.; Foden, W.; Gasalla, M. A.; Handa, C.; Hickler, T.; Hoegh-Guldberg, O.; Ichii, K.; Jacob, U.; Insarov, G.; Kiessling, W.; Leadley, P.; Leemans, R.; Levin, L.; Lim, M.; Maharaj, S.; Managi, S.; Marquet, P. A.; McElwee, P.; Midgley, G.; Oberdorff, T.; Obura, D.; Osman Elasha, B.; Pandit, R.; Pascual, U.; Pires, A. P. F.; Popp, A.; Reyes-García, V.; Sankaran, M.; Settele, J.; Shin, Y.J.; Sintayehu, D. W.; Smith, P.; Steiner, N.; Strassburg, B.; Sukumar, R.; Trisos, C.; Val, A. L.; Wu, J.; Aldrian, E.; Parmesan, C.; Pichs-Madruga, R.; Debra, C.; Rogers, A. D.; Díaz, S.; Fischer, M.; Hashimoto, S.; Lavorel, S.; Wu, N.; Ngo, H. IPBES-IPCC Co-Sponsored Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Climate Change, 2021.
3. Cautious but Committed: Moving Toward Adaptive Planning and Operation Strategies for Renewable Energy’s Wildlife Implications
4. Connecting climate action with other Sustainable Development Goals