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3. Practical advice for selecting or determining trophic magnification factors for application under the European Union Water Framework Directive
4. Deutsch, K.; Leroy, D.; Belpaire, C.; den Haan, K.; Vrana, B.; Clayton, H.; Hanke, G.; Ricci, M.; Held, A.; Gawlik, B.; Babut, M.; Perceval, O.; Lepom, P.; Heiss, C.; Koschorreck, J.; O’Toole, S.; Valsecchi, S.; Polesello, S.; Carere, M.; ten Hulscher, D.; Verbruggen, E.; Dulio, V.; Green, N.; Viñas, L.; Bellas, J.; Lilja, K.; Bignert, A.; Whitehouse, P.; Sumner, K.; Law, R.; Brant, J.; Leverett, D.; Merrington, G. Guidance Document No. 32 on Biota Monitoring (The Implementation of EQS Biota) under the Water Framework Directive. Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), 2014, Technical Report—2014-083.