1. Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Renewable and Alternative Portfolio Standards.http://www.c2es.org/what_s_being_done/in_the_states/rps.cfm.
2. SchlesingerLetter to SpeakerPelosi,U.S. Congress. May 17, 2010.
3. LippkeLetter to ChairmanBoxer,U.S. Congress. July 20, 2010.
4. Walket, T., Ed.Cardellichio, P., Colnes, A., Gunn, J., Kittler, B., Perschel, R., Recchia, C., Saah, D., and Walker, T.Massachusetts Biomass Sustainability and Carbon Policy Study: Report to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources; Natural Capital Initiative Report NCI-2010-30;Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences:Brunswick, ME, 2010; 182pp.