1. Department of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chem-icals and Fertilizers, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)─Ahmedabad, An Institute of National Importance, Government of India, Palaj, Opp. Air Force Station, Gandhinagar 382355, Gujarat, India
2. Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)─Ahmedabad, An Institute of National Importance, Government of India, Palaj, Opp. Air Force Station, Gandhinagar 382355, Gujarat, India
3. Central Instrumentation Facility, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)─Ahmedabad, An Institute of National Importance, Government of India, Palaj, Opp. Air Force Station, Gandhinagar 382355, Gujarat, India
4. Department of Biotechnology, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)─Ahmedabad, An Institute of National Importance, Government of India, Palaj, Opp. Air Force Station, Gandhinagar 382355, Gujarat, India