1. Energy Materials and Devices Division, CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, 196 Raja S C Mullick Road, 700032 Kolkata, India
2. Specialty Glass Division, CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, 196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Kolkata 700 032, India
3. Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR-Human Resource Development Centre, (CSIR-HRDC) Campus, Ghaziabad 201 002, India
4. School of Molecular Science and Center for Materials of the Universe, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287, United States
5. Physics Section, MMV, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India
6. Department of Physics, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar 470003, India