1. Polymers for Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology
2. Huh, C.; Pope, G. A.Residual oil saturation from polymer floods: Laboratory measurements and theoretical interpretation. Presented atSPE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, OK, USA, April 19–23, 2008; SPE Paper No. 113417.
3. CFD modeling of the effect of polymer elasticity on residual oil saturation at the pore-scale
4. Visual Confirmation of the Elasticity Dependence of Unstable Secondary Polymer Floods
5. Veerabhadrappa, S. K.; Urbissinova, T. S.; Trivedi, J. J.; Kuru, E.Polymer screening criteria for EOR application—A rheological characterization approach. Presented at theWestern North American Regional Meeting, Anchorage, AK, USA, May 7–11, 2011; SPE Paper No. 144570.