1. Directive 2009/30/WE of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Directives 2003/17/WE and 98/70/EC Relating to the Quality of Petrol and Diesel Fuels;European Parliment:Brussels, 2009.
2. EN 228:2008, Automotive Fuels, Unleaded Petrol, Requirements and Test Methods; European Standards: Brussels, 2008.
3. EN 590:2009+A1, Automotive Fuels, Diesel, Requirements and Test Methods; European Standards:Brussels, 2009.
4. EN 15376:2011, Ethanol as a Blending Component for Petrol, Requirements and Test Methods;European Standards:Brussels, 2011.
5. EN 14214:2008+A1, Automotive Fuels, Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME), Requirements and Test Methods; European Standards: Brussels, 2008.